Jayde Nicole, Canadian Fitness Queen

Jayde Nicole, Canadian Fitness Queen

The model Jayde Nicole, 29 years old, dedicated body and soul Fitness practice. Has been home of magazines as Muscle & Fitness; and Playboy, where passed to the history in 2007 as the third Playmate born in Canada. Was girlfriend the half brother of the Kardashians

Jayde Nicole jumped in the fame in 2008 when the magazine Playboy it named the Bunny of the year, what it became in the more outstanding celebrity of Instagram that managed the success.

Seven years later, many other women went from model exclusively in the social network to undress for the major magazines for gentlemen; However, Nicole remains as one of the darlings of the males on the Internet.

Currently exceeds the 4 million of followers on Facebook e Instagram, figure that it puts as an of them women more famous in the planet.

Jayde Nicole fitness model

Jayde Nicole Canadian fitness

Jayde Nicole fitness model

Jayde Nicole fitness queen

Jayde Nicole fitness model canadian

Jayde Nicole fitness model

Jayde Nicole

Jayde Nicole fitness model photo

Jayde Nicole, Canadian fitness model



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