Your body is a powerful machine, but you must feed it with a powerful mind - instafitnessmodels

Your body is a powerful machine, but you must feed it with a powerful mind

No secret or magic pill will ever supplement work ethic and dedication. Its easy for them they just have great genetics its their fast metabolize they probably dont even have to do cardio naturally fit drugssss... and the list goes on???????. People will always point fingers at someone rather than applying themselves to achieve their goals. Its easy to do that. We all want to think that there is an easier way to achieve our goals, but the truth is, theres no easy route. Heck, if it were easy, everyone would have what they want.

That is why you must remain focused on YOU. You are never going to have that girls/guys body, so there is no reason to compare. We can all improve.

For instance, We can improve the shape of our bodies by building muscle, however we will never be able to change the shape of our muscles (this is determined by our genetic muscle makeup, therefore it cannot be changed).

At the end of the day, we can only be the best version of ourselves. We will never be that person, even if they are so goallssss or perfect , BUT we do have an advantage. We have the opportunity to work hard towards our goals to be OUR own best, everyday! So before youperfect someone else, know that they are not perfect. We all have our flaws. Even as deceiving as ig can be, we all have projects that we need to work on, and that is okay! Everything takes time, and thats the best part... the journey! Once we reach one goal, we enhance that goal, improve it, make it bigger/better, and move on to the next. There is no limit! We are all a work in progress and we are all capable of reaching our goals... and thats what makes lifestyle so much more fun and rewarding! ??????



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