I want to be slim! Efficient power system - instafitnessmodels

I want to be slim! Efficient power system

I want to be slim! Efficient power system

If your desire to be slim all as great, read this article which will introduce you with a special power system!

As soon as I woke up - drink 2 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach. Those who have no stomach issues, add the juice of half a lemon, so even better.

Learn how you can quickly bring the figure in order!

Breakfast (8-9 a.m.)

20 minutes after eating 2 cups of water. While eating can not drink, to wash down a meal is impossible, only 20 minutes before or two hours after.

Oatmeal, cooked with water (steamed), chopped walnuts (3 or 6 walnut halves)

4 tablespoons of oatmeal mixed with nuts, pour boiling water so that the water completely covered the oatmeal, but does not rise above its level. Sacrifies cover. After 10-15 minutes, open water should be fully absorbed, add 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, a tablespoon of liquid honey and a little lemon juice. All carefully mix, useful porridge is ready. All that is necessary for the beauty of hair, nails and skin. Plus very tasty. Accustom themselves to such a Breakfast, it takes a little time, hearty and nutritious.

After Breakfast 2 hours do not eat or drink.

Snack (10-11 hours)

Drink two glasses of water, wait 20 minutes.

After you eat an Apple, preferably green, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt.

After a snack do not drink for two hours.

Lunch (12-13 hours)

Drink two glasses of water, Wait 20 minutes.

For lunch, you can afford the carbs, but only complex. For example: pasta from durum wheat in tomato sauce. Buckwheat with soy sauce. Chicken or Turkey with brown rice.Oven baked vegetables.

Look at your taste, I fried. Salt is undesirable, or at a minimum, and ready meals.

After dinner do not drink or eat for 2 hours.

Afternoon tea (14-15 hours)

Drink two glasses of water,wait 20 minutes.

Prepare baked apples, this is a very tasty and healthy. Cut green Apple in half, cut out the core, sprinkle the halves with cinnamon. At the bottom of the pan pour a little water, put half of the Apple, and put the baking sheet in a preheated 200 degree oven for 15 minutes. After sprinkle the apples with chopped nuts and fields of honey (optional). There are hot.

Do not drink for two hours.

Dinner (17-18 hours)

2 cups of water, wait 20 minutes.

For dinner need some protein, if you're not very hungry, let it be cottage cheese or scrambled egg whites, if you want something more serious, make a chicken or Turkey with vegetables in the oven or steamed.

After dinner, at 19 o'clock, the perfect time for sports. Gym, running, walking, strength training, cardio what you used to do. Drink plenty of water during workouts, but remember that after 20 hours the water do not drink - there will be swelling.

After you returned from the training, drink a glass of yogurt, brush teeth, and go about their business. The body will not require food, but if you want something to chew on, it is emotional hunger and not give in to temptation.



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