1. 100 g of grapefruit satisfy the adult daily requirement of human vitamin C 59% in potassium 9% magnesium 3% calcium 2%.
2. Grapefruit contains antioxidants, which reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. One grapefruit a day will help people suffering from cardiovascular disease, normalize cholesterol levels and thus avoid a serious risk factor. Scientists concluded that the grapefruit with red flesh contain much more antioxidants than fruits "white" varieties.
3.Grapefruit reduces insulin requirements for people with diabetes, as the consumption of this fruit contributes to lowering the level of blood sugar.
4. Grapefruit is used as an effective tool in the fight against obesity. Thanks naringin, which in large quantities contained in the film enveloping the lobules, and, of course, and the pulp, these fruits help flush excess fluid from the body, promote cleansing of toxins, burn fats.
5. Grapefruit helps in the fight against gum disease, reducing their krovotochivost.
6. Grapefruit seeds have antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
7. Grapefruit oil perfectly disinfects and tones the skin, regulates fat balance. Grapefruit aroma gives you confidence and it awakens creativity.